Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

Arti had a very busy 4th of July! He drove up to Pawnee National Grassland, about two hours from Boulder.

Most of the grassland is shortgrass prairie, that looks like this:

It has rained so much this spring that the prairie is very green, with lots of wildflowers.

He saw a big wind farm on the prairie, with hundreds of wind turbines.

Then he went to see Pawnee Buttes, which rise up out of the grasslands.

Eagles and hawks nest at the top of the buttes, and sweep through the sky while crying.

After a long day, Arti stopped for dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and had a bubbling lamb casserole for dinner.

After dark, he went to see the 4th of July celebration from the stadium at the University of Colorado. It was Boulder's sesquicentennial, so there was a big crowd and big show.

Lots of fireworks!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Arti in Boulder

Arti has been hanging around Boulder for the past week or so, tooling around town and helping with some craft projects.

On the way back from a shopping trip, he stopped at the scenic overlook to get a view of Boulder:

On Wednesday, he went to see the preview of Hamlet at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, at least until the giant thunderstorm in the middle of the performance...

Arti has been helping out with cooking. Here he is helping to shell peas from the garden for lunch:

Arti has been learning all kinds of new crafts. He was a little scared of the serger at first, but now he is an old hand at serging.

He helped tie up some scarves for arashi shibori....

Arti mostly just watched the wool picker, because the sharp nails are pretty dangerous for little visitors.

He also helped make a wet felted hat...