Monday, June 22, 2009

Arti in NM

Arti spent a day and a half in New Mexico last weekend!

Getting a view of Albuquerque and the Sandias from the hotel

Touring Old Town Albuquerque, with a historic church and some shops:

Stopping by Pecos National Historical Monument near Santa Fe - Arti checks out the view of a 17th century Mission.

Arti climbed down into a reconstructed kiva, or Native American ceremonial space:

He didn't see any rattlesnakes, but there were some tumbleweeds....

A small remnant of the Santa Fe trail goes under this boardwalk.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Drive to ABQ

Today Arti rode 450 miles south to Albuquerque New Mexico!

He stopped at a scenic overlook near Colorado Springs (Pike's Peak in the background)

Then he saw Huerfano Butte, a volcanic core on the plains near Walsenburg. The marker reads "The isolated cone-shaped butte, east of this point and 10 miles north of Walsenburg, was named El Huerfano,'The Orphan', by early Spaniards. The name appeared in Spanish records as early as 1818. This butte was near the trappers' trail from Taos. Passed by Fremont and Gunnison on their railroad surveys of 1853. The river, and county also now bear the name. Altitude 6150 feet."

Southbound on I-25 approaching Trinidad, Raton pass in the far background.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Arti arrives in Colorado

Arti has been taking it easy during his first week in Colorado. He has napped with the kitties, helped make dinner, and taken a trip to work.

Below, Arti gets a look at the flatirons

It has been raining a lot, resulting in huge mushrooms everywhere!

A partial double rainbow in the evening